Sunday, February 13, 2011

I used to think I spoke Chinese....

Ugh! I just wanted to learn all of the Chinese language by now! Shouldn't 23,000 characters sink in after a year of studying? You would think so.... I like to claim to speak Chinese but the only person I can really keep a conversation going with is Sunny's 3 year old niece, Mi Mi. She likes to figure which Chinese words I know and then use those words to create repetitive questions that I will definitely know the answers to. The girl is a saint. Although we're saying simple things like 你喜欢糖果吗?(do you like candy?), she makes me feel like I'm in the loop. On the other hand, I listen to Sunny talk on the phone to his parents for ten minutes and maybe pick up 5 words. 

Sunny dropped a bomb on me the other day by letting me know that Chou ba ba, Sunny's dad, would like me to give a little speech at our wedding party in Taiwan for around 5 minutes. Great. I can't even give a speech in English for 5 minutes. But I will persist. My speech may sound something like, 'Are you a teacher? I would like two bottles of cola' but I will execute those sentences perfectly. Who knows, I might even get a little crazy and throw in a 'nice to meet you'. I'm sure I'll win over my new family with that one. 

However slow the progression, I refuse to give up. Dear Chinese language, bring it on!


  1. Okay, so you totally don't know me since I'm Sunny's friend, but I guess we are facebook friends so it's okay that I also read your blog. =)

    Anyways, I just wanted to tell you a funny story: My parents got married in Taiwan and my dad was thinking it would all be okay because his Mandarin is really good, but then when it came down to the actual ceremony it was all in Hakka (since that is what my mom's family speaks at home) so he had no idea what was going on!

    Also, tell Sunny he should invite me to the Taiwan wedding party because I was way sad I would miss your wedding since I will be in Taiwan all summer!

  2. As a matter of fact sunny told me a lot about you and I'm exited to meet you! I will make sure you get an invite to the taiwan party :)
